Learn how to get more involved with the ala kahakai trail association!
We encourage you to contact us and join our email listing to receive monthly updates on the activities we have prepared for this year.

As a community, it is important to remember that the trails were created by our kupuna (elders) and thereby exist today for our benefit and use. This is one of many reasons why it is important that we constantly strive to protect and care for the trail systems here on Hawaiʻi Island. The trail was built and maintained by our people for generations. However, this responsibility is not a burden, it is a privilege. We often forget the trails in our every day lives, as they are hidden from plain sight. Nonetheless, every time we walk in the physical space that our kupuna lived and breathed, we are reminded of the privilege that we have been given. This is the kuleana that we at the Ala Kahakai Trail Association hope to reconnect and maintain the connections to for moʻopuna of those who came before us and never left.
Nana i waele mua i ke ala, mahope aku mākou, nā pōkiʻi.
He [or she] first cleared the path and then we younger ones followed.”
Community Members hike from Punaluʻu to Kawa, Kaʻu with Ala Kahakai Trail Association.
The ancient and historic trail system is an amazing outdoor learning environment for our keiki. If you are a teacher and you are interested in hands-on learning experiences for your students, we encourage you to get out and get active with us!
Please contact admin@alakahakaitrail.org to arrange a huakaʻi (field trip).

INterested in getting more involved?
The Ala Kahakai Trail Association will be hosting a community hike along the trail once a month. These events are an amazing opportunity to learn about significant archaeological, historical, and cultural information about the wahi pana of Hawaiʻi Island.
Kiolokaʻa, Kaʻū
Beach clean ups with Keep Puako Beautiful!
The 1871 trail south of Puʻu Honua o Honaunau National Historic Park.